North Lewis Maritime Society
Annual General Meeting
Thursday 6th February 2025 at 19:00 in the Drum Room, An Lanntair, Stornoway
Come and find out what we are planning for the coming year
Falmadair was originally set up to work with Comunn Eachdraidh Nis Ness Historical Society to look after Jubilee after her first renovation by John Murdo Macleod in the late 1970s. Her keel was laid by his father, John Finlay Macleod in 1935, so it takes a constant programme of renewal to keep her sailing. Last year, Stornoway Port Authority generously provided hard standing space at the north end of the harbour for essential repairs to be carried out.
We hired the shiny new harbour crane, and cleaned up the boat ready for surgery. Boatbuilder Henry Macleod, who begun his training at Goat Island, replaced a frame while club members John Mitchell and Charlie Green repaired some localised damaged parts. She was painted up ready to take part in SPA's harbour open day. She also took part in several filming engagements. Corporate memberships which enable her use in such programmes have been a key means of paying for materials, berthing and lifting costs over the last few years. We would be very happy to work with any local businesses that wish to support the club in this way.
We have several other boats: An Suilair, Broadbay and Callicvol, see The Boats tab for more details. A newly renovated half sgoth, Callicvol was relaunched three years ago.
This is Jubilee, last of the working sgoth Niseach. She was built by John Finlay Macleod, the man who swam ashore with a rope from the stricken Iolaire in the first hours of 1919. Murdo Macleod's photo was taken as she sailed off Kebock Head, this summer, to link with skiff-rowers from many clubs, on and off island, and members of Falmadair (tiller). She will soon need more work to keep her in commission as does her bigger relation an Sulaire, built by John Murdo Macleod. Please support Falmadair by joining the club - see our FaceBook page.
Click here for details of membership and a downloadable PDF page. Our categories include Individual, Family and Corporate. Concession membership is available for unwaged and retired people.
Please be aware that this site is under construction so there may be a few weedy pages, dead links etc. Please let me know!
Janet Marshall, Communications Officer
You can email me on nervesofsteeljanet@gmail.com
The Society is very keen to encourage new skippers and mates so plans for more training workshops. One of our members was recently awarded his RYA Coastal Skipper certificate. This continues a track record of assisting trainee sailors to achieving recognised qualifications.
Registered charity number: SC038938