North Lewis Maritime Trust
About Us
Falmadair - North Lewis Maritime Trust Registered Charity SC050109
We are a group of volunteers of all ages united by our passion for seeing these beautiful and historic vessels maintained and sailing - with us on board. We welcome visitors and new members: Day memberships are available as well as annual, corporate and life membership.
Click here for more information.
At our most recent Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 28th April 2021, the following members were elected:
Chair and Safety Officer:
Youth Ambassador:
Covid Officer:
Committee Members:
David Skelly
Donald MacSween
Ally Macleod
Brenda Jones
Ian Stephen
Janet Marshall
Fiona MacSween
Brenda Jones
Ewen Finlayson
John Norman Crate
Being a registered charity, we are always looking at ways of supporting the organisation so donations and ideas for fundraising are always welcome. We recently had some wonderful donations for a raffle - and this has helped with the upkeep of the boats.
Committee meetings are generally on the second Thursday of the month.
We occasionally have information and training sessions of interest and relevance to the Society, Recent events have included sessions on Navigation, Whales and Dolphins, and Knots.
Registered charity number: SC050109